I was at our favorite local grocery store recently, and one of the employees there looked REALLY familiar to me. I tried to figure out if I knew her and eventually we just laughed and she told me that she had recently moved from another state. It's a state, in fact, that we have been thinking of moving to, so I said that and then she gasped.
"Don't move there! Do not. With those beautiful children, stay far, far away."
What!??! I had no idea what she was talking about, especially when she mentioned my kids. Well, come to find out, she felt like the town has a great reputation for openness and progressiveness, however, she found it to be very racist and antagonistic. She said "I'm from New York. I can take it like the best of them! But I was depressed the ENTIRE TIME I lived there. There's no sun. There's no open-mindedness. I was miserable. MISERABLE. I moved here and I'm so happy. I've never been happier. No problems. It was that horrible city that made me like that."
Hmm... well that's certainly NOT a resounding endorsement of that area. Made me sad. And a little happy, since I don't want to move anyway. :) ha!
18 hours ago