- A quiet, hot, long MORNING shower (if you've been reading this very long you probably already know this one!)
- A hot beverage ritual ~ walking to my favorite local shop for something hot or taking the time to prepare it at home in a certain way... anything works. They all make me happy!
- A clean house (no wonder I'm unhappy these days)
- A new location of my favorite local grocery store opening three blocks from my house NEXT WEEK!!
- A good deal. Actually, a GREAT deal.
- My children (usually)
- Any kind of discovery; like a fun bakery, a neat treat, a great deal, an unusual spider web, a unique collection of things. In this way, I was made to be a mom. I can marvel over the smallest things and take joy in them along with my kids. My husband is, well, not so much like this. :) That's why I'm the mom and he isn't.
- Baking. Well actually, eating the things I baked. But baking. NOT cooking.
- Books. Books, books, books. Can hardly climb into bed for all the books littering the floor on my side. Can I get a shout out for your local library and paperbackswap?!?!!?
- My bed. Oh, my dear, dear, sweet bed. There's nothing like it.
15 hours ago
haha I just did this award too! Nice list,I like the baking not the cleaning, I like the eating too but not so much for the waist line haha
I forgot to add a clean house. That would be almost number 1.
I should also add a good night's sleep on a soft bed.
nice list. You are a good mom by the way.
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