CA Cop Wife recently asked about your opinion on significant other ridealongs at work. Go chime in!
Now, my question for you: do you have a scanner? Do you listen while your significant other is on duty? If you're a cop, how do you feel about your S.O. listening in while you're on duty? I have been forbidden from getting a scanner or listening or any of that. Boo hoo. I did download a scanner app for my phone and listen to some neighboring agencies. I think it's just interesting to get more accustomed to the radio, codes, etc. And I like knowing what's going on. :)
I've mentioned a few times that I have several relatives in law enforcement. I have good memories of hanging out at my grandparent's house, laying on the bed and listening to the scanner with my grandma. Every once in a while she would say, "Oh, that's your uncle." I think she listened more out of fear for his safety, not because she was truly interested in what was going on. Well ~ she was interested out of fear. You know what I mean.
What about you?
42 minutes ago
We don't have a scanner, but there are apps for the iphone that let me listen while The Lion is working. I listen sometimes just to hear his voice - that has comforted me on a lot of nights when I was worried about him. The other day I listened and he and another officer had an armed, barricaded subject who had cameras outside his house - that was scary, but I heard his Lt. assume command when he arrived on the scene and I felt a lot better.
He doesn't say I can't listen to the scanner - but then, he doesn't tell me what I can or can't do about a lot of things because he knows I'm stubborn and defiant.
Nice! I've DLed like, three scanner apps, but none of them offer JB's department. :/ Plus we live too far away from his county for him to be able to pick anything up anyway. ALSO he works nights, when I'm sleeping. And finally, I prefer to think LA LA LA when he's at work and hear funny stories about drunk people the next morning. :) Denial - not just a river in Egypt!
A friend of mine is a firefighter who has a scanner and whenever I feel the need to hear something, I just listen over at his house. I know if I had my own, I would be listening to it alllll the time.
Buttt now that I see there are scanner apps, I may have to download them....
I would not want to die of boredom (100k people... how much excitement can there be?) and they do most everything good over their phones. :(
I was just talking about this with my dh yesterday. He's been in LE for 10 yrs and we have never listened to a scanner. He said he hears enough of it at work and he figured it would just give me and the boys more to worry about. He's right.
We actually did it for the first time last night. We were in bed and there was a lot of action outside from the sounds of it (more than usual) so HF asked me if I wanted to hear what was happening. I was like, "sure!" We just listened for a few minutes then fell asleep. I don't really have an interest in listening though unless I'm hearing a ton of sirens nearby then I want to know what in blazes is going on!
The legality on having a police scanner where we live is a little on the sketchy side and I don't really feel the need for one. There isn't much use in me sitting around and worrying about waht is going on. I would be too curious and waste my time listening instead of paying attention to more important things. JR doesn't need me poking my nose in at work all the time. :) That's my take.
I have a scanner app on my phone. I only use it to listen to the PD where we live (far from where he works). If I see a road blocked off, see police cars screaming, or notice the helicopter circling I turn that puppy on and try to find out whats going on.
I have never even thought about listening in using a scanner or anything. I'm going to search for the app on my droid now lol I think it would be cool to hear his voice on the radio but I don't think I would listen all the time.
Sometimes I'll catch Rev listening while he is getting ready for shift or something... I will admit that I'd like to listen in, but I think that it would make me nervous. Like Pam said, I prefer to hear the stories in the morning - when the danger is over!
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